WEBINAR: Autism spectrum condition and eating disorders

Join us for a live webinar: Monday 7th October 2024 from 6.30pm-8.30pm



Navigating Recovery and Advocating for Appropriate Accommodations in Treatment. 

This webinar is for you if:

  • you are an individual with lived experience of eating disorders and are also autistic (or suspect you are)
  • you are a caregiver (parent, family member or friend) of someone with an eating disorder and who is also autistic (or suspected of being autistic)
  • an eating disorder professional, or mental health professional, who would like to learn more about the links between Autism and Eating Disorders

The research suggests a link between Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and anorexia (in particular), with ASC women substantially over-represented among people receiving treatment for anorexia. Links between ARFID and autism are also being explored. 

The treatment process can be more challenging for this population if their needs are not accommodated. Caregivers (parents, partners and family members) can feel unheard, misunderstood and utterly overwhelmed.

 ‘This webinar is for you if you….

  • want to learn about specific modifications and accommodations needed. 
  • want to learn what treatment approaches are effective in treating comorbid eating disorder and ASC
  • want help with managing sensory difficulties in recovery.
  • want to learn how to help your loved one manage emotions. 

In this webinar, we will help you to:

  • Understand how autism can influence the eating disorder and the recovery process. 
  • Communicate better with your loved one around eating disorder concerns and struggles.
  • Navigate recovery while continuing to support your loved one.
  • Understand how to advocate for appropriate accommodations in treatment.
  • Manage your own level of stress and resilience, sharing some useful resources and tools



€40 per person (in-person), €50 per family (in-person), €40 on-demand (recording)

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