
‘I don’t know why, but I just can’t’..

Understanding your loved one’s avoidance by Zuzanna Gajowiec, CEDS-C   For us as caregivers, some eating disorder behaviours can be very hard to understand. And that means that it can be  even harder to try to CALMLY and effectively support someone in recovery. One of the issues that families (and treatment teams) face is Avoidance. […]

‘I don’t know why, but I just can’t’.. Read More »

Why summer can present an unexpected challenge to eating disorder recovery….

….and how to maintain a sense of structure while school is out. Before summer, you worried about maintaining the recovery routine during the school year: making sure that snacks were had during the school day (as best you could!) and that appointments were kept. Now the summer holidays have arrived and with it – Freedom!

Why summer can present an unexpected challenge to eating disorder recovery…. Read More »

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