• Book club for those affected by eating disorders and those struggling with body image

    Body Image Book Club


    Free Online Book Club for those affected by eating disorders, struggling with body image or who would simply like to learn more about treating the body kindly!

  • Helping you as parents, partners and family members, to navigate the eating disorder recovery journey

    Your Recovery Compass


    Your Recovery Compass – Helping you to navigate your loved one’s eating disorder recovery journey. 

    With this compass in your back pocket, you will be able to effectively support your loved one – and yourself. We will provide you with the tools, skills and understanding to support your loved one’s recovery, through a six week live group programme.

    Our next 6 week programme commences on Monday 31st March 2025  at 6.30pm. (Note: programme is suitable for those supporting individuals of all ages (not just adolescents) and those supporting a neurodiverse individual, or who may be neurodiverse themselves).

    When you sign up, we will share these resources with you worth €100!
    * Access to our Online Carer Support Group for the duration of ‘Your Recovery Compass’. This group meets monthly
    * Immediate access to one of our on-demand webinars, covering a range of topics from initial diagnosis, to addressing body image concerns, to supporting an autistic person with an eating disorder.

    Early Bird rate (€450) available until Friday 21st March 2025! 

  • online carer support group for caregivers supporting a loved one with an eating disorder

    Carer Online Support Group

    per person
    per family

    Next Support Group: We are re-running this support group on Wednesday 5th March next at 6.30pm. The topic is ‘Meals that Heal’. We will be outlining strategies to help loved ones of all ages at mealtimes.   

    Carer Online Support Group (Monthly live confidential space for parents, partners, family members and friends).

    Each month, parents and family members support each other as well as learn new skills. They share their own experiences of the recovery process, what has worked and what they have learned along the way. They get the opportunity to avail of our expertise too! 

  • Peer Group for eating disorder professionals

    Peer Consultation and Special Interest Group for all Irish Eating Disorder Professionals.


    Monday 3rd March 2025 from 7.30pm – 9pm (please note change of time)

    Join us at our (free) Bi-monthly Peer Consultation and Special Interest Group for Eating Disorder Professionals in Ireland and the UK.

    Join us to:


    Share Knowledge

    Plan future training opportunities

    Peer case consultations with a multi-disciplinary team



  • Empowering you with the tools and strategies you need to support your loved one's eating disorder recovery journey, parent and partner support

    Calmly Connecting for Change: Supporting your loved one (and yourself) with Confidence and Compassion


    Calmly Connecting for Change: Supporting your loved one (and yourself) with Confidence and Compassion

    Working 1:1 with Deirdre, you will be empowered with the tools and strategies you need to support your loved one as they navigate the eating disorder recovery journey – and yourself.

    You will feel calmer, confident and compassionate – towards both your loved one and yourself. You will see and feel the difference that you are making to your loved one’s recovery. You will have a safe space to help process and understand what is going on.



  • helping caregivers understand the overlap between autism and eating disorders - and what to do

    WEBINAR: Autism spectrum condition and eating disorders

    €40 per person (in-person)
    €50 per family (in-person)
    €40 on-demand (recording)

    Join us for a live webinar: Monday 7th October 2024 from 6.30pm-8.30pm


  • neurodiversity and eating disorder conference. Free for families and individuals with lived experience

    Irish iaedp chapter CONFERENCE  Nourishing Neurodiversity: Integrating Inclusive Approaches in Eating Disorder Treatment

    People in recovery from an Ed and family members
    iaedp members Professionals
    Non-iaedp members Professionals

    Nourishing Neurodiversity: Integrating Inclusive Approaches in Eating Disorder Treatment

    Recording now available! 


  • practical how to guides for caregivers on eating disorder recovery

    ‘How to’ guides for caregivers


    Get access to Deirdre & Zuzanna whenever you need it!

    Sign up for these practical guides for caregivers on key aspects of eating disorder recovery.

    Each week a video accompanied by practical strategies and worksheets will land in your inbox!


  • avoiding caregiver overwhelm during eating disorder recovery

    Avoiding Caregiver Overwhelm during Eating Disorder Recovery


    A Free webinar with Coach Becky Henry to mark World Eating Disorder Action Day, 2nd June 2024 – delivered directly to your inbox!

    Join us to learn how to avoid the most common caregiver traps that can occur during eating disorder recovery – and what to do instead. 

  • Webinar “From Fear to Focus”

    €40 per person (in-person)
    €50 per couple (in-person)
    €50 on-demand (recording)

    Our ‘From Fear to Focus’ webinar will help you to navigate the beginning of the recovery journey. You will learn the 3 most common questions that families ask (and I’m sure they are the questions that you have too!).

  • A key element in supporting someone recovering from an eating disorder is the ability to tolerate their emotional distress. To us as parents and partners this can be difficult to both understand and to do

    Webinar “Practical Skills”

    €40 per person (in-person)
    €50 per couple (in-person)
    €40 on-demand (recording)

    A key element in supporting someone recovering from an eating disorder is the ability to tolerate their emotional distress. To us as parents and partners this can be difficult to both understand and to do

  • Do you struggle to answer your loved one when they say: ‘Mum, do I look fat in this’? ‘Mum I’ve gained so much weight I hate myself!’ ‘Am I pretty?’ ‘I feel fat!’ And of course, for many people suffering with an eating disorder, body image concerns loom large – and it can become even more of an issue as they start to recover.

    WEBINAR: Body Image

    €40 per person (in-person)
    €50 per family (in-person)
    €40 on-demand (recording)

    Webinar live: 16.10.23 6.30-8.30pm


Over a number of sessions, Deirdre will help you to:

  • Understand the eating disorder illness better
  • Give you the tools and techniques you need to better support your child
  • Understand that you HAVE a role to play in supporting your child’s recovery – no matter their age
  • Feel more empowered
  • Feel listened to, understood and supported
supported families

This 1:1 session with Zuzanna is intended to assist with assessment, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations. The session will (a) involve a history and interview(s), combined with the use of a number of assessment tools which will help to both formulate diagnosis and offer recommendations for treatment, as well as a risk assessment and (b) help to answer some of the following questions:

  • Is this disordered eating or an eating disorder?
  • Which eating disorder is it?
  • How severe is the presentation?
supported families

This assessment will enable the development of a strategic treatment plan, using proven evidence-based therapies, co-ordinated with other treatment providers as appropriate (for example, psychiatrist, GP, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and/or dietitian). Families are guided and supported by a team of professionals, working alongside them and their loved one.

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